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All topics are important and order doesn't matter. 

Affordable Housing

        It is America’s responsibility to build, design, and maintain affordable housing for all Americans. Additionally, affordable housing is of the utmost importance to the U.S. government because it supports the middle class in America. The middle class is the foundation of the U.S. economy because it supports, creates, and stabilizes wealth in America. We the people need laws concerning affordable housing.   

  1. In the next 10-15 years we need to build 15 million units of affordable, energy-efficient housing throughout the nation.

  2. We need to have a Tenants’ Bill of Rights that guarantees the rights of tenants from landlords and other threats. 

  3. We must destroy and replace old houses that are no longer fit for habitation.  Abandoned houses put everyone's health at risk and are a public threat that needs to be taken over by the city or state.

  4.  We must expand the National Affordable Housing Trust Fund to $6.5 billion a year because this will address the affordable housing crisis while creating millions of high-quality jobs and millions of inexpensive housing units for the next decade.

  5. We must reinvigorate Federal Housing Programs to increase affordability for elderly, disabled, and extremely low income individuals.

  6. We must repair Public Housing. Public housing has lost much value in our society thanks to Republican policy and corporate Democrats. We the people must restore funding to public housing and uplift the standards of public housing.

  7. We need to repeal the Faircloth Amendment. This bill is obsolete; we need to rebuild old housing units and build new ones.

  8. We must defend the Fair Housing Act. We the people must defend fair housing from any threats. Republicans are trying to demolish the Fair Housing Act to promote their own agenda.  We the people must defend our ideas and reinforce our commitment to these programs. We must end housing discrimination in the U.S.

  9. We must have a Rent Control Law. There needs to be a rent control law that is supported by local, state, and federal governments.

  10. We need to protect Rental Assistance. Rental assistance project-based fees must be fully subsidized by home assistance contractors.

  11. We must expand the Housing Choice Initiative. We must increase funds for families who are not economically stable and who need support. We must secure affordable housing today.

  12. We have to support First Time Home-Buyers. We must decrease down payments and increase payment assistance, direct loans, and loan guarantees for first-time homeowners.  Subsidies from the Department of Housing and Urban Development and USDA Rural Development should be increased for first-time homeowners.

  13. We must protect Homeowner Mortgage Interest Benefits. The U.S. needs to promote first-time homeowners and stop promoting more affluent homeowners. We must end all tax loopholes for second homes and luxury items that place the burden on the middle and lower classes. The U.S. needs to expand these homeowner mortgage interest benefits to the 20 million eligible homeowners who do not itemize their taxes.   

  14. We need to expand Pre-Purchase Housing Counseling. This program must be extended because it is good for the economy and homeowners. It prevents another housing crisis, builds strong families, and promotes healthy communities. 

  15.  We must prevent Predatory Lending. All forms of predatory lending should be banned and made illegal.  The lenders and not the borrowers should be charged with the consequences.

  16. We must implement Credit Score Reform. So many are affected by the catastrophe of the Great Recession of 2008; financial hardship and foreclosures are the commonalities. Unfortunately, many Americans do not have good credit scores. We need to rebuild lost wealth and initiate reforms to make the credit industries and banks work for borrowers and not just lenders. 

  17. Ban Redlining. All forms of redlining should be banned and criminalized; anyone who practices this act should be punished to the full extent of the law.

Animal Rights

            We must end all forms of violence against wild, domestic, and endangered animals. Animals are not toys; they are living beings who make amazing contributions to the ecosystem.  For example, we need bees to pollinate food for us and other animals to survive. Animals have the right to live peacefully in either a domestic or a wild, green, and friendly environment.  

  1. In Congress, I will propose an Amendment to protect animals from cruel and unconstitutional acts. Endangered animals must be protected from cruelty, dangerous environments and/or people, global warming, poor farm or house conditions, and reckless hunting.

  2. All animals should be protected from violent acts; killing a poor defenseless animal is a crime. Violent acts such as neglect, hoarding, shooting, fighting, beating, mutilation, throwing, stabbing, burning, over-training, and crimes against animals involving vehicles are all forms of abuse.    

  3. All animals should be protected against abandonment; if the animal is abandoned, the fine should be $1,000 to $100,000 with six months to three years of prison time. After the release of the perpetrator, the individual must complete 100 hours of community service, take a class about animals, take psychological and drug tests, pay a fine that reflects their income or a minimum of $875.00, be suspended from all firearms and firearms equipment, and receive two months’ probation. Probation can be extended if the individual does not follow the rules. The same rules apply if the animal was murdered but and harsher punishment with additional charges. 

  4. All animals should have their own version of a SSN with local, state, and federal governments. This is protection for animals that are domestic or endangered or that help people out with special needs. 

  5. All animals should have health insurance from local, state, and federal governments, especially animals that live on farms, are endangered, or work as special support animals. 

  6. No animal should be in a cage all day. Animals have the right to be outside and to have fresh clean air. Farm animals have the right to walk around within farm grounds. We need to create greener environment zones for wild and endangered animals. Animals are important for our ecosystem, such as bees who pollinate 90% of human and animal foods.

  7.  Chaining, trapping, and locking up an animal all day without food, water, medicines, and shelter are forms of abuse.  

  8. The day before or after Earth Day should be designated International Animal Day. 

  9. Animals have the right to a safe environment and friendly habitat that fits their needs. We should end all cruel and unusual practices by corporations.   

  10.  Animals have the right not to be used in multiple animal experimentations unless it is for a good cause and a good alternative method of testing is not available.  

  11.  Animals have the right to be sheltered from cold or dangerous conditions.  

Farmers’ Rights

        Farmers’ rights must be improved immediately. The U.S. government must promote independent farmers to grow their own crops to support local communities. Moreover, we should create more agricultural jobs and enact a Farmers’ Bill of Rights that creates a healthier union and gives small farmers a fair shot at the farmer markets. I strongly believe that farmers’ rights need reform, and that farmers need independence from big greedy corporations.  

  1. Farmers’ Bill of Rights should include, Right of Fair, Open Markets, Right to Feed Our Community, Right of Fair Capital, Right to Protect Their Natural Resources, Right to Local Control of their Land, Right to Security, Right to Repair, Right of Transparent Labeling, and Right to Rural Opportunity. ( Add Footnote)   

  2. We should support and champion small farmers to raise and sell their products in competition with big corporations.

  3.  The U.S. government has to improve the National Farmers’ Association, which must exist in all 50 states and U.S. territories.

  4. Farmers have the right to grow organic food without corporate interference, corruption, sabotage, scamming, bad business practices, and biocides (pesticides, herbicides, and weedicides).

  5. All states should have state farms and local farms to provide food to needy communities.    

  6. All local small farmers, rather than big corporations, should be paid for crops and receive tax breaks for growing crops.

  7. Bee Farm. We need to encourage more bee farms.

Black Lives Matter

            The United States of America should end the violence against Black, Brown, and minority communities and begin recognizing the KKK and other hate groups as domestic terrorism. We the people must call out domestic terrorism for what it is. In addition, the U.S. government needs to end all domestic terrorism and develop a better understanding of its origins. Any form of terrorism is bad for a nation.   

  1. Demilitarize our police force. The United States of America doesn’t need a third branch of military force in local civilian environments. We need to make communities safer and not another form of prison. However, if the city and state allow this kind of policing in the most dangerous parts of the city, it should be limited to a mini- unit. The police and community should develop more sociable relationships with each other to make the area welcoming and non-toxic for everyone.

  2. Marijuana-Related Offenders should be released from incarceration and each individual should have seized property restored, with reparation payments and expunging of their police records.

  3. Good Police Culture. Create a good police culture to increase community hospitality, security, and relationships with law enforcement that are not based on fear.

  4. Diverse Police Culture. A diverse police culture should reflect, refract, and absorb good ideas of leadership. In addition, law enforcement should be diverse to support a friendlier relationship with communities. Diversity training should always be encouraged for officers who come from a background different from the community in which they are presently serving.

  5. Body Camera. All local, state, and federal law enforcement officers should wear body cameras for all parties’ safety and be held responsible for their engagement. There should be clear regulations about when the camera must be on. 

  6.  Data Collection of All Shootings and Activities. After court dates, videos, sound recordings, and photographs of all police shootings should be released to the general public unedited.

  7. Law Enforcement Training de-escalates confrontation. Constabularies should be trained to interact with the general population, especially mentally challenged individuals, in a friendlier, less antagonistic way.

  8. African Americans’ Reparations. African Americans who were born in the U.S. and descend from slaves and have more than 150 years of history within this country should be compensated for the discrimination and other acts they have endured.  

  9. Criminal Justice System Reform. The criminal justice system must be reformed because it disproportionately targets people who are striving in poverty and is based on an unbalanced power structure that has two separate rule classifications for the wealthy and the poor.

  10.  Anti-Sex Trafficking. Anyone who is practicing sex trafficking should be in prison for 20 to 30 years with the addition of hard labor. After release from prison, the individual has to register as a sex offender.

  11. Anti-Organ Harvesting and Trafficking. Anyone who is practicing organ harvesting and trafficking should get life in prison, hard labor, an increase of taxes, a fine of $20,000 to $100,000, and any additional charges the judge and juries sees fit. Additionally, the life sentencing can apply for those individuals who inflict serious injury or kill people while attempting to harvest an organ. In any case where the death penalty is being asked, it must be approved by the judges, juries, and officials of the prison unit.  

  12.  Find Everyone Act. Find all the missing girls, boys, men, and women and declare a national emergency about the disappearances of girls, boys, men, and women, especially women of color.     

  13. National Awareness. Domestic abusers, stalkers, sex offenders, and drug dealers should all get national registries to protect the public. 

Ending Environmental Violence

  1. Protect low-income communities from the effect of climate change by improving the building infrastructure, “green” laws, energy-efficient housing, “green” jobs, and “green” education.

  2. Hazard Protection. We must stop the exposure of people to dangerous particles, chemicals, and other toxins in schools, homes, workplaces, and neighborhoods.    

  3. Require Equal Enforcement. Public health laws should be prioritized, along with environmental and civil rights laws.

  4. Adequate environment cleanup efforts. Hazardous waste areas should be banned in residential communities. 

  5.   Local Renewable Energy Systems. All cities and states should have recycling facilities within their districts to end pollution and the use of hazardous chemicals. In addition, these recycling facilities should provide “green” jobs that benefit the surrounding community economically, operate safely and at reasonable hours, and create a friendly environment for people. Local renewable energy systems should receive tax breaks because they help the people, animals, and the environment. 

Ending For-Profit Policing

  1. End the unsuccessful “War on Drugs.” The War on Drugs was an attack against minorities, especially Blacks. The War on Drugs is ineffective and needs to end and be replaced by rehabilitation therapy. All drugs must be decriminalized to demolish the black markets.  

  2. Federally Taxed Marijuana. Marijuana should be heavily taxed to increase funding for public schools and only for public schools.

  3. Citizen Oversight. We need to monitor local governments that abuse their authority against the powerless and poor within their districts and cities.  Any excessive arrest forfeitures, fees, and fines must be limited.  Unfair rules that are explicit or implicit motives for stopping or arresting members of a particular group should be eliminated.

  4. End All Police Corruption. In all levels of government, police corruption should be eliminated to promote good and friendly relationships with communities.

  5. End False Report Calls. It should be possible to sue people who make frivolous 911 calls for racist, sabotage, scamming, or corrupt intent.        

Cancelling Student Debt and Improving Education

        A good education is a human and Constitutional right, and that implies canceling the student loan debt, improving education, and making education free for U.S. citizens. Education for U.S. citizens will not only increase stability, opportunity, dignity, and integrity but creates a security for our cities, states, and nation. We the people must have education to protect and secure the United States of America.      

  1. All existing student loan debt should be forgiven and canceled. Graduates who pay their student loans are entitled to $55,000 (maximum amount) or half the amount of previous debt turned into tax credit. 

  2. All public colleges and universities should be free for U.S. citizens. However, public colleges and universities are still businesses, so foreign students must pay tuition. Immigrants who seek asylum or live their entire lives in America can go to college free (they must show records).  Public colleges and universities are funded by tax payers, including both U.S. citizens and immigrants. Our nation should have a tax corresponding to those of Switzerland, France, Germany, and the other 37 countries who have free education for their citizens.

  3.  The student loan system is prominently flawed. The federal government should stop making profits from student loans. The present system considers a student to be his or her parents’ dependent until the age of 24, although an individual can enter the military as an independent at the age of 18 years. This system allows the government to charge interest on loans for tuition, in contrast to the interest-free grants available to students older than 24.

  4. Close all for-profit schools because they do not guarantee a promising future of a person’s development in life. They leave more people in debt with illegitimate degrees that do not produce careers. All for-profit schools should be banned and criminalized. People who took out loans for these schools should automatically qualify for loan forgiveness.    

Green New Deal 

The United States of America needs to pass the Green New Deal expeditiously. The Earth is dying from all different types of greenhouse gases, which are changing and destroying the environment, people, animals, plants, and lands. The U.S. government must have a clearer direction for energy development and hold companies accountable for their pollution. 

  1. We must immediately ban Arctic oil drilling.

  2. We have to ban offshore drilling.  

  3. We should ban fracking for natural gas.

  4. It is our government’s duty to invest in Appalachian communities and ban mountaintop coal removal mining. 

  5. It is our obligation to stop all exports of crude oil and liquefied natural gas.

  6.  It is our government’s responsibility to stop all projects that are similar to pipelines such as the Keystone XL.

  7. We must immediately close all loopholes that allow oil, gas, and chemical industries to pollute our water, air, and land.

  8. It is our responsibility to protect public land from any pollution and promote preservation of habitat and natural resources.

  9. We should invest more in green and energy-efficient technology for a cleaner, friendlier, and healthier environment. In particular, investing in green and energy-efficient technology will recycle and build the wealth in low-income communities. The USA has to switch to 100% renewable and clean energy by 2030. That will combat climate and environment crisis. We should build more solar farms, energy-efficient houses, and wind turbines. We should increase organic agriculture, create more sustainable energy and clean technology, create more green jobs, convert the gas vehicles into electric, and introduce green education.

  10. All Americans’ homes should be more energy-efficient because it is healthy for them and the environment they live in.  Efficient technologies will cut weatherization pollution in the cities and states.

  11.  The U.S. government must upgrade, update, and remodel the energy grid. The first grid infrastructure was created in the 1920s and 1930s. Electric grid improvement should have smart technology to enhance its performance.

  12. All fossil fuel companies’ benefits and colossal subsidies should immediately end.  

  13. The U.S. government must rebuild, update, and upgrade both cargo and passenger rail. The USA’s rail system is obsolete and raises concerns about traveling. We must use modern technology to repair the rail system and railroads.  We must heavily invest in government jobs to provide security, stability, opportunity, and dignity. The 2017 train derailment in DuPont, Washington, is a sign that the U.S. needs to upgrade its rail system. Another avoidable accident such as DuPont should never happen again.

  14. The U.S. has to invest in electric vehicle charging stations. They are good for the environment and the economy. Most prominently, they will eliminate close to 30% of carbon pollution from emissions that come from transportation.   

  15. The U.S. must design climate and environment impartiality. The U.S. has to recognize environmental public health risks in low-income and minority communities. The movement should be called “The War for Environment Equity.” 

  16. We need to transform old waste, organic oils, marijuana, and even water into fuel for cars, power plants, planes, etc. All materials should be 80-100 percent recyclable by the year 2030.

  17. Hybrid Tree Development Act: Operation G.R.E.E.N. D.A.Y. We need to create a tree that absorbs more CO2 and other greenhouse gases. This tree should be fungus, fire, and extreme weather-proof. It should have the dimensions of a Sequoia tree, grow in clones like the Pando tree, have elements that are similar to a cactus plant, and be cross-breed with fruit trees. This hybrid tree will have other advantages and recreate habitats for wild animals.

Increasing Social Security

        Social Security must be improved, reformed, and increased to meet the requirements of society. Social Security needs to be taken more seriously by our representatives, and those of higher incomes should contribute more of their income in the form of taxes. The higher the income, the more the individual or company should pay in Social Security taxes.      

  1. Everyone in the U.S. should be able to retire with respect and dignity.

  2. Everyone who works in the U.S. should immediately begin to pay Social Security at the age of 18 years.

  3. No Contribution Cap. Anyone who makes over $250,000, whether they are a U.S citizen, green card holder, or illegal immigrant, should contribute proportionately more to Social Security. 

  4. All people in the top 5 percent of the wealth class should contribute 5% more into Social Security.

  5. Social Security Card features must be redesign in order to protect the interest of the person and the U.S. government.

Medicare for All, Reduced and Controlled Drug Prices

            As your representative, I would without hesitation support and co-sponsor a Medicare for All Act. Healthcare is a human and Constitutional right. Every other developed nation has universal healthcare, and we should have it too. I want to end all private healthcare and make it public. I want Medicare for All, and this is what I stand for.  

  1. As your representative, immediately, on my first day, I will co-sponsor the Medicare for All Act because no American should ever worry about healthcare again.

  2. The U.S. government has to develop a government agency that reduces prescription drug prices, maintains 100% control of certain drugs (those for chronic illness), and has the authority to negotiate prescription drug prices. 

  3. Americans have the right to import legally prescribed drugs from Canada in order to encourage competition between pharmacies and drug companies.

  4. The U.S. has to pass an act that gives the government control over certain medicines, such as the anti-bodies of HIV, because no one should control, manipulate, or produce vital drugs for their own profit. Any chronic disease medicine, such as insulin, should be government regulated to save lives.

  5. Drug companies will be required to report any information that affects drugs and drug prices.

  6. The federal government should provide drug coverage for all and reduce drug prices for seniors, low-income families, and people with disabilities.

  7. Wholesalers, pharmacists, and individuals should be allowed to import prescription drugs from licensed Canadian pharmacies. 

  8. The government should not enter into contracts with drug companies that have been convicted of fraud or other illegal activities. 

  9. If Medicaid drug prices are rising faster than inflation, then all drug companies should be required to pay an additional rebate to Medicaid.

  10. Anti-competitive agreements among pharmacies and drug companies are driving drug prices higher each year. Such agreements cost taxpayers at least $3.5 billion every year. The absence of competitors keeps drug prices high and discourages competition.

Gun Safety, Control, and Reform 

        The U.S. government needs gun safety, control, and reform because we are sick and tired of hearing about the murders of innocent children in school shootings. In addition, I’m greatly distressed about the mass shootings that have been normalized in society. This is deeply troublesome, and we should not tolerate this behavior from anyone. We need to hold the NRA responsible and other parties who disseminate firearms. No school shootings, no more mass shootings, and no more loose gun control.  

  1. Ban high-capacity magazines, military equipment, and suppressors from civilian use.  

  2. All citizens who seek gun ownership should be subject to mandatory background checks from state and federal government.     

  3. Ban civilian ownership of military equipment and stocks that turn any firearm into an assault and/or fully automatic firearm.   

  4. Regulation on all bullets. We should limit the number of bullets a person, group, or corporation can buy.

  5. Twenty-one should be the minimum age for firearm ownership, bullet purchase and ownership, enhanced firearm performance, and the transport of firearms. This applies to “printed” as well as conventional guns.

  6. An individual must pass a swab test, urine test, blood test, and mental test in order to own a firearm. A week later the state and federal authorities should conduct background checks.

  7. We should require gun education for the youth in elementary schools. 

  8. All members of hate groups should be banned from gun ownership. Ex-hate group members have to be on probation for six months to two years before a gun purchase.   

  9. Existing mandatory background check systems should be fully subsidized by the federal government. All 50 states and all U.S. territories must implement such a system.

  10.  Sanction the NRA. The government will buy back all previous guns and fine the NRA for each civilian and immigrant death.

Disability Rights

        Disability rights are seriously underdeveloped because of the lack of opportunities for people with disabilities. We need to create more opportunities for people with disabilities, such as local jobs, “green jobs,” helping or teaming up with someone else with a disability, etc.  We should never overlook people with disabilities, and support for them should be increased. 

  1. Enlarge and protect of the Social Security Disability Insurance Program (SSDI).

  2. Increase educational and employment opportunities for people with disabilities. In 2017 and 2018, 80% percent of adults with disabilities were unemployed.  The U.S. must completely preserve occupational education and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). In addition, the USA must also must extend funding for the Aging and Disability Resource Center Act (ADRC). I will advocate for these services and support people with disabilities.    

Children’s Rights

        Any child that is on U.S government grounds is entitled to Children’s Rights. Children who attend school in the U.S. should be covered under the Education Amendment to the Constitution, which guarantees the right to learn how to read and write, do math, and have some knowledge of science, history, etc. To prepare them for college, trade-school, or armed forces, all children must be educated.  

  1. Child Development Act. All children have the right to high quality pre-K and K-12 education in a peaceful learning environment, regardless of race, class, sex, gender, religion, national origin, etc.  The USA should provide quality pre-K for all American children by ratifying a new Child Development Act. The USA needs to make quality pre-K affordable or free for everyone because it is unacceptable that child care programs are unavailable for millions of Americans.

  2. All children have the right to eat breakfast and lunch for free.   

  3. All children have the right to be in a drug, gun, and bully-free environment. Metal detectors are a must in high schools.

  4. Strengthen, Increase, and Improve the Public Education Act. The U.S. must invest in, increase, and improve all levels of education, from early childhood through higher education nationwide. All children have the right to an education that prepares them for college, trade school, or the armed forces. 

  5.  All children in the U.S. and U.S. territories are entitled to an Education Amendment to the Constitution, guaranteeing their right to literacy, basic math skills, and knowledge of science, history, art, music, and other subjects. This amendment should be called Empowering Equality Education for All. 

  6. We must have smaller class sizes, and every classroom should have two teachers and an assistant teacher to enhance the learning environment.

  7. All schools in the U.S. must have a classroom for special-needs and disabled students. 

Humane Immigration Reform

        Immigration law should be updated and should help create an easy path to citizenship for immigrants. However, we must protect our government from foreign threats, so only immigrants who have been here since childhood are entitled to citizenship. Humane immigration reform must find a better way to ease the transition to citizenship without putting the nation at risk.  

  1. We must protect sanctuary cities; sanctuary cities are our foundations of strength, authority, and history.

  2. We have to create a logical pathway toward citizenship for immigrants in the U.S. and protect DACA.

  3. We have to hold ICE authorities accountable who have committed human rights violations and/or unconstitutional acts.

  4. We have to provide asylum and whistle-blower visas for immigrants who report labor and human rights violations.

  5. We must disassemble inhumane private deportation and detention units.

  6. ICE Reform.  ICE should not go after any law-abiding, non-violent, peacekeeping community builders, whether these are undocumented or documented immigrants or refugees. ICE should be designed to combat domestic terrorism and nationally hunt down dangerous people who commit crimes in the U.S., as well as white collar criminals and offenders of that nature.  It should not target or harass non-violent undocumented or documented immigrants.

  7. National E-Verify Act. All companies, stores, and operational businesses are required to have a National E-Verify that makes it impossible to work in the U.S. if an individual is here illegally. Companies can have special requests for permission to hire undocumented workers. Companies that do not comply with the National E-Verify are subject to fines and tax increases. 

Women’s Rights

Women have the right to get equal pay and to have the same benefits as men. Women are entitled to have equal rights with men and have the right to control their own bodies. Women are entitled to have equal justice, register for the armed forces, and to be represented like men. No women should be unpaid because of gender or paid on a different scale from their male counterparts.       

  1. Equity pay for all women. I will co-sponsor the Paycheck Fairness Act.

  2. Paid family leave. Every worker should be guaranteed 12 weeks of paid leave: 6 weeks of medical leave and 6 weeks of vacation per year.  

  3. Increase the WIC program coverage for pregnant women, infants, and mothers so that the low-income mother and her kids can receive adequate nutrition.

  4. Repeal the Hyde Amendment.

  5. Women’s reproductive rights need to be protected and expanded. We should increase funding for Planned Parenthood and champion the right to use contraception, the Title X family planning program, easy availability of legal and safe abortion, and other initiatives that protect a woman’s health. 

  6. Safe Birth Act. Nationwide, women are entitled to quality obstetrical care to decrease the number of deaths before, during, and after birth, especially among women of color.  

Jobs with Benefits

The United States of America should produce its own jobs. Jobs that are outsourced to other countries could return to the USA. These jobs will be state and federal jobs that cut out the middleman and produce a cycle of wealth within the nation.  In addition, the states should have the right to retail certain resources such as liquor, beer, and other goods and thus create state jobs. The standard should parallel the state-owned stores, for example, Pennsylvania’s Fine Wine and Spirits.  Jobs should provide a living wage and benefits because we are in the 21st century.

  1.  We will introduce a bill to the House of Representatives and propose a Federal Jobs Program that would trigger the economy through a public workforce. This action will help the economy, and it is parallel to the Works Progress Administration which assisted our recovery from The Great Depression.

  2. I will co-sponsor the House version of the Rebuild America Act because America’s infrastructure is crumbling and outdated, and can cause public concerns later down the road. The Rebuild America Act will create 13 million jobs for America while repairing, updating, and upgrading infrastructure.

  3.  We will develop many new jobs for teachers, assistant teachers, and other education professionals to assure modern and highly versatile instruction.

  4. I will aggressively co-sponsor the Green New Deal. The Green New Deal is good for our economy and ecosystem, and it is energy-efficient. The Green New Deal will create new high-paying green jobs while helping restore the Earth back to its healthy state. The Green New Deal aims for zero greenhouse emissions. This act is a win for me, you, your family, and the future.

  5. National Minimum Wage Match Act. The minimum wage should match the level of the nation’s currency values and inflation. Large corporations must give employees benefits that meet the needs of 21st-century life.  

  6. The Fair Labor Standards Act designed better working conditions and wages for Americans. We need to update and upgrade the Fair Labor Standards Act because it has been approximately eight decades since the development of minimum wage.  

Improved Foreign Policy

The U.S. government needs to improve and rebuild relationships with allies in order to maintain and expand our global influence. In addition, we should create new relationships with nations that are not currently allied with us and improve foreign policy to avoid another endless cycle of war. 

  1. The United States of America has to prioritize diplomacy over war. We have to end all wars and focus on our own infrastructure, education, domestic terrorism, and other problems. We must end these costly wars that waste trillions of dollars and many lives.

  2. We need to magnify and maintain our global influence by addressing climate change, upholding the law, promoting human rights, protecting workers’ rights, and providing economic assistance in cooperation with the United Nations.

  3. The Guantanamo Bay Prison must be closed. The authority of the National Security Agency must be limited. 

  4. We must improve our relationships with our allies and improve our cyber defenses against China, Russia and other potential adversaries.

  5. We must impeach and remove Donald J. Trump and everyone that was involved in his illegal activities. 

Men’s Rights

Men need a National Commission for Men because of social norms, issues, and mental health problems that go untold in the everyday lives of men. A National Commission for Men will address these issues and will decrease toxic masculinity. Men lack rights and mental problems are ignored by society’s standards; it’s time to change those customs.

  1. August should be International Men’s Month. This month is needed to celebrate the accomplishment of men worldwide.  If there is a Women’s Month, a Black Month, and a Gay Month, there needs to be a Men’s Month to parallel these ideas.   

  2. Domestic Violence against Men. Domestic violence against men is under-reported and should be made easier to report.

  3. National Commission for Men. In many areas, men lack essential rights. Issues that need to be addressed include adoption, child custody, criminal justice, divorce, education, health, homelessness, incarceration, military conscription, paternity fraud, false allegations of rape, reproductive rights (Dubay v. Wells), Social Security and insurance, and suicide. The U.S. needs to improve in these areas to decrease toxic masculinity and to improve men’s behavior and mental health. I endorse such initiatives to improve men’s actions in society. Men’s rights do not in any shape, form, and/or level oppress women’s rights but rather reinforce and promote them.  

Anti-Corruption in Politics 

The United States of America must be corruption free in order to maintain influence, authority, democracy, and leadership. In addition, we must end all corruption to solve other domestic and foreign problems. The U.S. government is in crisis because of lack of leadership, direction, and unity. We need to end and ban all corruption in all levels of government. One problem that can be solved that would greatly benefit the nation is removing Donald J. Trump from office. 

1.   We have to ban all forms and levels of lobbying in every sector of government.

2. We have to ban all hiding behind secret and dark money parties.

3. We must ban all lobbyist bundling.

4. We should disclose all political donations online, by mail, or through third parties immediately.

5. It should be illegal for all politicians from any level of government to accept gifts, cash, or favors from lobbyists.  

6.All politicians at any level of government should be banned from fund raising during work hours.

7. No politician at any level of government should be allowed to work for companies who had or have any legal issues with the U.S. government.

8. Close the “revolving door,” by stopping senior staff and elected representatives from selling or trading their government information for lucrative lobbying jobs.

9. The government must get all money out of politics, especially donations and bribes from monopoly companies.  

10. Ban all corporate donations to political campaigns and overturn Citizens United.

11. Rebuild America Act. This act allows the government to tax corporations’ offshore income. In addition, each job that is sent overseas should result in an additional sea tax. These taxes will rebuild the foundations of U.S. government.

12. Stop Loopholes Act. This act will close all carried interest loopholes.

13. Keep Our Pension Promises Act. All levels and forms of inherited property and artwork should be taxed.

14. End All Big Corporation Funding Act. End all subsidies and tax breaks for big corporations and fossil fuel companies.

15. Responsible Estate Tax Act. Progressive estate taxes for inheritances over $12,500 would close estate tax loopholes.    

Anti-Domestic Terrorism

1. All hate group members are banned from local, state, and federal positions. However, ex-hate group members can assist the government in investigations.

2. All hate groups are banned and/or limited as to the amount of land they can own.

3. All hate groups are banned from owning guns.

4. No hate group’s symbols may be displayed in public settings. Confederate monuments are not allowed to be built, named, displayed, and transferred unless for demolition or educational purposes.

Clean Candidates for United States of America Act.

1. All candidates for local, state, and federal government must show tax records to maintain the current office their or seek another. Tax records for the previous years should be made available to the public upon request.   

2. Clean Form USA. All candidates from local, state, and federal government are held to a higher standard than other people, so, if prosecuted, candidates must take drug, psychophysiological, and lie detector tests. All these tests are to be conducted by the FBI.  Candidates that have legal issues are required to pass the drug and psychophysiological tests first in order to take the lie detector test the same day. They will be detained until the exam is over. The results will be used in court, and information will remain closed until court date. If the candidate leaves or resigns from office, they will spend 10 years in jail for conspiracy treason against the United States of America. We need to do this to protect the country, and we must hold officials and politicians to high standards because they make decisions that affect other people’s lives. 

3. All candidates for local, state, and federal government will be required to submit an annual drug test to provide safety, integrity, prosperity, and opportunity for the district they represent. If a candidate was found with illegal drugs in their body, they will go through the “Clean Form USA” process and have mandatory special court.

4. Clean Form USA Article 2. All candidates for local, state, and federal government are required to submit “Clean Form USA” sheets to Congress and say under oath that they will not accept money, gifts, settlements, and favors from lobbyists and companies. If a candidate violates this oath, they will spend 10 years in state prison and be banned from all levels of government office.

5.All federal offices should have video or monitoring that records everyday meetings.         

Revitalization of Unions

Revitalizing unions in the United States of America will create strong unions and more stability for jobs. Moreover, unions are one of the key foundations of building, maintaining, and producing jobs. The United States of America needs unions to create fair job conditions and fight for workers’ rights.

1. We must abolish the “Right to Work” laws.

2. We should abolish “End Forced Arbitration” laws.

3. We need to enforce and extend penalties on companies that steal money and time from employees, violate labor laws, and abuse employees in any way. 

4. Employers cannot fire or intimidate workers who try to start or organize a union. We must increase penalties for the companies that attempt to suppress unions. 

5. We need a Uniform Union Act that will make it easier to organize a union at any work site to protect employees’ rights.

6. Repeal the Taft-Hartley Act. This act defunds unions. When workers receive union benefits without paying union dues, it creates a loop effect. If workers do not pay their union dues, unions will be unable to provide benefits for their members.

7.  The U.S. government needs to provide constant aid for unions. The act will be called Union National Occupations Act (UNO). The UNO Act will conjoin all unions within the U.S. and U.S. territories.  In addition, it will provide protection and training and subsidize union dues for all union members. The UNO Act will also deliver democracy into these work environments by drawing on federal assets to benefit workers that are on strike.

Voting and Jury Rights

The U.S. government needs to have voting and jury rights updated expeditiously. Election Day should be a federal holiday to increase voting activities. Consequently, any election should be taken seriously, and we should expect enormous voter turnout. Voting and jury rights are related to each other because they are both our civilian rights and duties.

1. The U.S. government must immediately restore voting rights and end all discriminatory laws that target minorities and low-income communities. We also need to end the purging of minority-community names from voting polls.

2. Election Day should be a federal holiday to enable more voters to participate in voting and voting activities.

3. Promote Voting Rights. Preserve the political empowerment of minority communities nationwide and guarantee equal, easy access to voting for everyone, including minorities, people in poverty, and Native Americans.

4. Abolish Poll Taxes. Poll taxes are illegal and should be criminalized because U.S. citizens have the constitutional right to vote.

5. We should endorse voting by mail nationwide.

6. All Americans should have an absentee ballot option.

7. All Americans should be automatically registered to vote by the state and/or city by the age of 18, even if they move to a new state and/or city. This will eliminate the burden of registering to vote.

8. We must end and ban all levels and forms of gerrymandering.

9. We must finance elections publicly.

10.We must redesign the Federal Election Commission and reinforce anti-corruption measures. 

11. All states must record, collect, and display their own election results for city, state, and federal offices.  There should be no third party collecting, recording, displaying, and sharing of data before, during, or after Election Day.

12. United National Vote Rights. It should be illegal at local, state, and federal levels to suppress voting in any level of government before, during, and after Election Day. No private company or system should be allowed to collect, market, record, add or subtract votes, before, during, and after Election Day. Voting systems can only be run from state and federal agencies, and they must preserve paper trails.

13. Collecting Protection Voting. All votes must be collected by the state or federal government by the following day for any election. Any attempts at destroying, falsifying, buying, selling, hiding, unofficially recording or collecting, and sabotaging election results can result in a person or group of people incurring felony charges, fines, and a guaranteed 5 to 10 years in prison.       

14. Independent Voting. Independent voters should be allowed to vote in the primary and general elections because it is their Constitutional right as U.S. citizens. 

15. Jury Duty Paid Leave Act. Those serving on juries cannot lose their jobs. They are entitled to their regular pay at work. (Yes, all employees, and it doesn’t matter if they are temporary, part or full time. They are entitled to a day’s worth of pay for each day they are on jury duty). Additionally, for the first 3 days of jury duty, jurors are entitled to twenty dollars per day; after three days, fifty per day. They should also receive free breakfast during jury duty. 

16. Homeless People’s Right to Serve as Jurors. Homeless people have the right to serve as jurors as long they have identification.  


The LGBTQ+ community needs to have safer places of understanding, and all attacks and violent acts against them should cease. Their history should be included as a subject in our schools. The LGBTQ+ community suffers from political alienation and a lack of representation, and all people should be allowed to live in peace.   

1. End all involuntary intersex mutilation.  

2. End all “conversion therapy,” unless the individual requests it. 

3. End “gay panic” as an excuse for homicide. There are no excuses for murder, and we must ban this behavior immediately and nationally recognize it as a hate crime. 

4. Prepare communities for understanding LGBTQ students and make the school environment friendly toward everyone.

5. Implement and develop LGBTQ-inclusive education. 91% of LGBTQ people are targets for bullying, harassment, and hazing. We must create safe environments for everyone because LGBTQ students are 3 times more likely to commit suicide than any other students.

Prison Reforms, Safety, and Control

The United States of America’s prison population is out of control; we have more of our population in prison than any other country. We the people must reform and ban for-profit prisons and private detention centers because they are creating more depraved people and are not helping them to improve their behavior. The U.S. government prison system should be modeled after Denmark’s prison system to end and reduce toxic behaviors.    

1. Ban all For-Profit Prison and Private Detention Centers. We have endless loopholes for arresting, jailing, and detaining non-violent offenders to keep prisons full and minorities in the system. All private prisons and private detention centers should be banned and criminalized. The U.S. government, states, and cities should own all prison and detention systems and not third parties.

2.Prison and Detention Center Balance of Authority. All prisons and detention centers should have regulations for the judge, jury, and prison officials. To minimize unjust and excessive sentencing, prisoners should have an appeal process.

3. Convicts’ Rudimentary Rights.  To reduce the prison population by discouraging recidivism, all return citizens are entitled to welfare, college, public housing, and food stamps. We must improve the mindset of former and current convicts so that they will have positive impacts on society and set examples for other people. The U.S. government must reduce and control toxic behavior and encourage positive behavior.  

4. End the War on Crime. The War on Crime Act is not improving the United States of America’s prisons, prisoners or the status of those currently serving time. Long prison sentences have decreased crime by only 2.5% percent, and it’s about time the USA had a stronger rehabilitation foundational system instead of the current expensive system we have had for decades. In addition, the War on Crime is cruel and short sighted and only has temporary results.  The costs of the War on Crime are not just monetary   because it affects the families, communities, cities, states, and nation.  

5. Ban and End For-Profit Prison Act and Private Detention Centers. For-profit prisons and private detention centers are not having any positive impact on society. These methods are obsolete and need to be dismantled.

6. Nonviolent Drug Related Crimes. All nonviolent drug related crimes should be decriminalized, and those offenders should seek professional rehabilitation and therapy. If an individual repeats any of the offense a judge can seek house-arrest, therapy, psychological, and drug tests to improve the behavior of the individual. If the individual fails to comply, fines and jail time can be levied.

7. Released Prisoners Updated.  Prisoners who are released from a prison term should be automatically registered with an updated state identification, including whereabouts of their Social Security card, and be supported by programs that help them keep out of jail and live productively in society.  

8. No more Cash Bail. The cash bail system only benefits the rich and punishes people severely who are striving in poverty. Moreover, this system benefits from human suffering as those of lower status and wealth often cannot make bail. The cash bail system is prominently flawed and must be abolished immediately.

9. No more Mandatory Minimums.  Mandatory minimums are nonsense and corrupt the criminal justice system. Mandatory minimums must be abolished immediately.   

Justice for Indigenous People  

The U.S. government needs to support justice for indigenous people because their land is being destroyed by corporate greed. We should have justice for indigenous because they are being destroyed for profit, and the land afterward is barely livable due to the methods of mining for natural gas or other materials. The U.S., government must protect these communities, through federal regulation.  

1. Improve Housing. The U.S. should increase housing for local residents and fully guarantee the Native Americans Housing Grant Program.

2. Support Tribal Jurisdiction and Tribal Sovereignty.        

3. Restore Tribal Lands. Where possible to some degree, restore all tribal lands to the Native Americans with rights and protections.

4. Protect Sacred Places and Native American Culture. Native Americans have the right to maintain and pass on their sacred places, religious beliefs, social and spiritual connections, and languages. The U.S. government has to federally protect these sacred places and the people who live on that land.

5. Fight and End Discrimination, Sexism and Racism. End all offensive mascots, name calling, belittling, antagonizing, harassing, hazing, and bullying of indigenous peoples and others.   

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